OK, I'm sorry. I know it's been a while, but while I don't like making excuses for things like - well, I've been busy, OK?
But in all seriousness - I have been busy. Sometimes it's been in a good way. Other times, well, not so much.
On the plus side of recent events and activities - MSO (My Significant Other, for those not up to speed on my TLAs) has now become MLW (My Lovely Wife). Yep, in February we were married in stunning New Zealand sunshine, in front of friends and family. It was a wonderful day and captured by an incredible photographer - Dean McKenzie. Dean is a great shooter - relaxed, open to suggestions and ideas, but a true professional. Even after the agreed period of photography had finished (once we'd cut the cake) and Dean was supposed to be sitting down and enjoying a glass of red with us, he just kept going - popping up all night to capture those memorable moments that sometimes do get missed because the photographer has been 'stood down' for the day. So cheers Dean - your photos and work was definitely appreciated.
Unfortunately, a few days later I developed a bit of a rumbling gut. Without wanting to go into too much detail for the sake of you, the reader, I spent a week more or less curled up around the porcelain bowl. After catching up with a few friends who couldn't make it to the wedding at one of my favourite watering holes in the country if not Australasian region, I crawled off to bed. This is how crook I was - I was at the Twisted Hop where I take great pleasure in savouring their real ales - my particular favourites are the Twisted Ankle or the Challenger - and all I could drink was peppermint tea. And even then it wasn't staying down - peppermint tea is not pleasant when it's revisited in the same evening. Next day I was driven under no force or duress to an after hours doctor's surgery where I was referred to the local public hospital - where I spent the next two weeks in the horizontal position, developing an appreciation of jelly, The Wire and a distinct dislike of naso-gastric tubes. Funnily enough.
Hospital experiences aside, I did have the privilege of working with De Lorenzo Hair Care again at their 2010 Sales Conference. They manufacture hair products (in case you couldn't guess) in Australia using plant based ingredients, employing an environmentally responsibly attitude and without testing their products on animals - which I think is pretty damn cool. And if that wasn't reason enough to admire them - well, they're a bunch of vivacious, passionate, devoted-to-their-craft group of people as well. DLHC is a family business, and when everyone from around the country gets together for these conferences, it's like a family Christmas where Uncle John and Cousin Cathy and their families all turn up for the annual catch-up...

I photographed their conference last year and thought that it was fun - this year was even more so! The concept for the Awards and Gala dinner was a medieval/scottish/Braveheart costume party, and it was a great night. I wasn't required for the seminars in Sunday, but I rejoined the team for a cruise on the harbour and couple of quiet beverages on Sunday night which considering the view, the environment and especially the company, definitely came up as a high point in the year so far...
What's coming up? Well, I've a meeting with The Rocket next week to discuss what could be a reasonably large and definitely interesting project. I've got to visit a specialist to figure out what going on, and I have a few emails that require answering - as always...
Feel free to drop me a line...
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