"The boys are having a bit of a cook up on Tuesday - want to bring your camera and photograph it?"
Um. Time required to come up with an answer: 0.0041 secs. Time required to frantically rearrange my schedule on Tuesday to accommodate this request: 2.37 minutes.
Hell yes.
So - it turns out that Fat Freddy's Drop was hosting a few people (meaning music industry types from ABC television, Rolling Stone, ACP magazines etc) for lunch. On the menu? Smoked fish spread, fresh oysters and - wait for it - paua wontons, all masterminded and created by the band's synth king, Dobey Blaze. Bringing in 5kg of paua was a mastermind plan and after a few hours of prepping, cutting, mincing, mixing, rolling and folding, it was time to break out the wok at Inertia Records, crack open a beer or three, and get cooking. A few of the Inertia staff who turned out to be wonton experts were even drafted onto the prep team to cope with the volume of wontons (over 400) required for the afternoon. A stunning hot day lent itself well to a chilled out (what else?) event, with all the locals embracing the sensational kai, with a few of them even lurking around the doorway, asking when the next tray of 'power wontons' was due to arrive. Without a trace of rock star ego tripping, the boys circulated round, playing waiter and explaining the paua was the NZ version of abalone. But tastier.
Everyone was sated and with the arrival of a brisk wind, dispersed their separate ways, some even being lucky enough to take home a plate of wontons and cooking instructions courtesy of Mr Blaze to cook for their partners that evening.
So - a big chur to Inertia Records for hosting the event, everyone that attended, Fat Freddy's Drop for the hospitality, Sarah for the invite, and especially Dobey for the mean feed.

Some tenderised and sliced paua.

One of the Inertia crew, checking out the preparation.

MC Slave interviewing Dobey 'in the kitchen'.

Music distribution warehouse, and for an afternoon, kiwi kitchen.

Mmmmm - garlic. Combined with the coriander, chili, paua, smoked fish and lemon, the smell was, well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Dobey giving Walter some guidance on how to use the mincer.

Freshly minced paua. And Walter's tee-shirt.

Shredding the smoked fish for the paste.

Dobey concentrating on the prep.

The paua mix, minus the secret ingredient.

Dobey getting amongst it.

Stereotypical perception of NZers. A Maori in a suit with a moko, and sheep.

The mixed, er, mix.

'T' working on the wonton production line.

Super subs - a few of the Inertia staff dropped by to see what was going on ended up taking part in the making of over 400 paua wontons.

'T' loading Dr Boondigga and the Big BW CDs into a courier van. Honest.

Mu volunteers to try the first of the wontons.

Dr Boondigga gets taped to the garage door.

Mu playing host.

Yep - they were that good.

Walter with one of many trays of wontons.

The cook-up at Inertia.

Hohepa hamming it up with some of the extended Fat Freddy's whanau.

Someone's gotta do it.
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