Wow. What a weekend.
Monday is never a fun day - public holidays excepted - and after two nights of Fat Freddy's Drop, my Monday is definitely living up to expectations. I'm shattered - but in a very good way.
On Saturday night we were invited to see FFD as guests, so albeit rather uncomfortably, I left the camera kit at home and headed out with MSO to catch the show.

And what a show. As mentioned, FFD have polarised people with the release of their B.O.A.T.S album, but I can listen to every track and enjoy it. So, when FFD were coming across to promote their new album 'The Big BW', I jumped at the chance to see them again.
Disappointed? Not even, ow...

They. Were. Impressive. Seriously - there is a wealth of talent in the band, and they didn't fail to turn it on on either Saturday or Sunday night.
The brass section were in full effect, and Dallas' voice was sensational. Even the re-emergence of the Rhythm Salve as MC and vocalist on The Nod added a fresh vibe to the evening's proceedings.

I could go on (and on, and on...) but instead, I'll just recommend grabbing the album as quick as you can, listen to it loud, and imaging a few hundred kiwis clapping, stomping, singing and cheering alongside it.

so you shot the first and just went to the second?