Last week I received another brief from The Missile, regarding an editorial image for 'his' magazine.
Time was organised, as was subject, then finally location. So the night before the shoot I trundled off to the location - a flash hotel in the CBD. From recent experience, I decided to introduce myself to the corporate marketing people, who as it turned out, were very chilled about the use of their venue for a photo shoot. I received a tour of possible sites, exchanged business cards, and headed home with a couple of solid ideas in mind...
...To get in and check my messages to find out that the venue was in fact in correct, and that I was required to photograph the subject at another hotel, even deeper in the CBD. Ooooh-kay.
So then next morning, I show up at the location with armfuls of gear, to be told that 'Marketing' knew nothing about it and until we had the Official Management Approval, we were to cease and desist. Luckily enough the Platinum Member's Club Guest Personal Satisfaction Consultant Executive (ahem) didn't mind me conducting some lighting 'tests' in case we received management approval. The funny thing was (as you can see in the images) we didn't actually include any branding, logos or anything remotely identifiable (unless of course you're a handrail enthusiast) - I just wanted the view. And who owns the rights to that?
Needless to say - the subject, who stays at this particular venue on a regular basis and who holds and decidedly expensive membership to the aforementioned member's club was particularly put out - which made it even harder to cultivate and maintain a relaxed vibe for the photoshoot.
Still - even though we had the brakes thrown on by management, I still managed to salvage a few (OK, more than a few) suppliable images for consideration for publishing. Heh.

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