"Something old, something new..."
So, as mentioned in a previous blog, I'm updating my website. And on the advice of my design, marketing and branding guru, I'm using the website's downtime to showcase some of my older work on my blog. But with gigabytes of images to choose from, where to start?
I've decided to revisit a defining moment in my photographic career - a night where I not only had one of the best nights of my life, but also captured some my most enduring images. Images that I look back at when I'm trawling through my archives and still smile about.
It was in August 2006, and Shapeshifter were playing at the Christchurch Town Hall - but just for something different, they had incorporated the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra into the mix. Dressed in their 'Sunday best', the 'Shifters wove their tight blend of live drum and bass into a sensational aural cocktail, their rolling basslines perfectly complemented by the soaring brass and humming strings of the local orchestra.
Were you there? Leave a comment and share your memories - what was your favourite bit? Personally - while the whole night was well above anything I had experienced for a long time, I almost forgot to capture the image of the crowd breaking out their lighters and mobiles in the dark - it was a stunning sight. Also up there was the moment when I ventured down in the seething mass in front of the stage. Being pushed around by the dancing fans while trying to take a photo started to frustrate me - until four guys surrounded me, and gave up 5 minutes of their night to brace against the crowd so I could fire off a few frames. Cheers fellas...
Also cheers to Becs, RDU 98.5 and Fabel for sorting me out with the photographer's pass...

As an extra bit of info - the supporting acts were Ladi 6 and Parks, and Gabriel Calcott from Dubwize. I think. Feel free to correct me...