For one reason or another, sometimes I don't want to head to a job, laden with gear.
Fighting your way on and off public transport systems with a camera bag full of kit, a tripod, reflectors and a 2-3 monobloc lighting set-up can make you pull whatever remaining hair you have out.

So before heading out to a restaurant for the second part of an assignment (the first being portraits and food photography) I snuck around some of my favourite websites for inspiration.
And once again, trawling through some of the archived entries on www.strobist.blogspot.com I came across the solution. It was one of those smack-your-forehead-with-your-hand kinda moments, but I think it's a solution many photographers, absorbed in their quest for gear, kit and technical excellence often forget.
Main light source: off-camera flash, fired by sync cord.
Skim/rim light? Yep, the big burning ball in the sky.
Basic, and simple - especially when the restaurant windows are facing west, and it's late in the afternoon. I told you it was obvious.
So - it was a case of expose for the skim/rim light, hold the flash up high and slightly left of camera axis, and "3, 2, 1, CHEESE."

And my best wishes go out to Fraser and Allesandro, Shirley and and Anna and the team in their new venture...
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