As charged, your honour! It's been a while - ok, almost a month, and I'm now aware that I haven't blogged for a while. In my defence, I've started a new job - unfortunately, it's not photographic based, but it pays money (well, some) and if I play my cards right, it could lead to 'things'. Anyway. I entered a photographic competition a few weeks ago, and found out last Friday not one, but two of my images made it through to the final. Noice. One is of a character called Animal, the other Graham - the brief was essentially to capture iconic faces or places in Kings Cross. I'm not really one for fine art landscape photography, so I stuck to photographic people. I'm happy with them, and they're shown below (and above). So - fingers crossed - they exhibit in May, and I'm guessing after that I'll find out how successful (or not) I was. Comments appreciated - email me at contactchris@chrismckeen.com.au

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