Yep - a new toy.
Nope, not an expensive one - very old school technology, if you will. Kinda like a 'string-between-two-paper-cups' version of the mobile.
A week or so ago I bought a hot-shoe mount and a 10m sync cord and as the weekend just passed saw MSO out of town for a few days, I kicked around with a local DJ and accompanied him to a few of his gigs. And helped him sink a few beverages.Fun times - I did learn that while my new additions do give me the advantage or reach and new lighting angles, they don't allow the same degree of control and finesse that Pocket Wizards (mmmmm) and Canon ST-E2s (aahhhhhhhh) do. So apologies to Yinyang for having the flash strength a touch on the strong side. Oh well, he's English - he needed the tan.

I was checking out one of my favourite blogs - - a few months ago and he was discussing whether as a professional photographer, he (or any other photographer) should work for free - especially nowadays, with the general doom and gloom atmosphere of the international market.
Now don't get me wrong - I like getting paid - who doesn't? And MSO would be strenuously agreeing with me here - but when you're starting off in business, can it hurt to go out and shoot for the hell of it?
So - yesterday being March 17 - St Patrick's Day - I grabbed my camera kit and wandered round the corner to the local Irish pub. Which was going off like a bag of seafood in the Sydney sun. Huge. Admittedly there was only about 25 people in there when I arrived, but the majority being ardent, vocal Irish (and strangely enough a few British ones thrown into the mix) backpackers, they were making enough noise to drown out the local traffic - no mean feat. And as the afternoon progressed, and the bar filled up and the occupants became more, er, 'socially excited' I continued snapping away. A few pints later, and it was time to head home to meet MSO, albeit with a full CF card.
I'd spent the afternoon handing out cards and email addresses and promising to send copies through. In return, I'd been shouted a few jars of Guinness, got some great crowd shots, and also started informing people that I was a professional photographer, had a website, and was basically ready to hire. Time will tell if I get any emails/calls or bookings - but just being there with a camera enjoying the passion and fun of a room full of Irish (or wanna-be Irish) was worth a few hours away from the desk.
So - on Saturday My Significant Other (MSO) and I decided to go exploring. Packing our bags for the day's activities, we set off into the wilderness known as the Eastern Suburbs.In my backpack, I had my camera, flash, sync cord and hot shoe adaptor, tripod, togs (mine), togs (hers), two towels, 1ltr water bottle, jandals and just because it's Sydney, a raincoat. We walked anything from 5-11km (depending on whose version and navigation you go with) just to sit on a wharf in 26+ degree sun to have fish and chips (and a wee tipple of wine).And how many photos were taken after lugging the gear round the bays?Nada. Zip. Zero. Not a single frame.But was it worth it? If it was just for the spectacular fish and chips on the wharf, then a resounding yes. Even though I sweated. strained and groaned under the load, like a sherpa I persevered. Even though I didn't pull the camera out once. OK - to be honest the only time I did pull it out was to make some room to stash my running shoes after a temperature based decision to change footwear.Why go through the dramas of lugging the camera kit through such an expedition? Well, even though I didn't snap a single frame, I'd rather have had it with me than seen something to shoot and not have a camera with me at all.The days ended - just in case you were wondering - with a very tasty Indian curry (albeit an over priced one) and a glass or two of wine on the balcony, watching some amazing lightning and some torrential rain. Because it is Sydney, after all.
And in this instance, while 'she' does feed, groom, and co-exist with three cats (and a husband), 'she' also utters words of wisdom every now and again. Like just now. "You're a photographer, right? Then put up some photos on your blog!" Hardly brain surgery admittedly, and yes, I would have gotten around to it myself, but it's always nice when someone provides a bit of (blunt) advice. Especially with everything else that's going on at the moment. More about that later. Probably. So, without any further ado, a few photos. Ta da.
G'day. Welcome to my first post on my blog. Over the next, er, while, I'll be dropping in every now and again to discuss things photographic. More or less. So - if there's anything you'd like to know about photography, let me know. Email me: or visit my website
BTW - the joker trying to recover his line on the mountain bike is NOT me.
But, to be honest, I've done that on more than one occasion. And no, he was horrifically unsuccessful in his attempt to stay on his bike. It was funny though. It always is when it happens to someone else.